Summer 2016: Research Experiences for High School and Undergraduate Students

The Genes and Addiction Center’s Research Experiences for High School and Undergraduate Students (REHU) provided eight participants an opportunity to conduct 10-week summer research projects with their mentors. REHU students attended a working lunch with their peers, a journal club to present results about a published neuroscience paper, and a symposium to give summary talks about their summer projects.

REHU Symposium was held on August 19, 2016 in the Gordon Center for Integrative Science at the University of Chicago.


REHU-2016 Students:

Cindy Tay, Undergraduate, Duke University. Worked in  Chen Lab, University of Tennessee Health Science Center.

Elizabeth Lipschultz, Undergraduate, University of Chicago. Worked in  Palmer Lab, University of California – San Diego.

Abigail Kastner, High School student, Hartford Union High School. Worked in  Solberg-Woods Lab, Medical College of Wisonsin.

Cagla Unal, Undergraduate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Worked in Meyer Lab of Motivation and Addiction, University at Buffalo.

Marina Han, Undergraduate, University of Chicago. Worked in Meyer Lab of Motivation and Addiction, University at Buffalo.

Tanaz Naterwala, Undergraduate, Northwestern University. Worked in Flagel Lab, University of Michigan.

Eman Mubarak, Undergraduate, University of Michigan. Worked in Flagel Lab, University of Michigan.

Krittka Pant, Undergraduate, University of Michigan. Worked in Flagel Lab, University of Michigan.


Contact Dr. Barry Aprison or Dr. Oksana Polesskaya if you have questions.