Hae Kyung Im and her co-authors has published the PrediXcan method in Nature Genetics (August 10th, 2015)
4th Brain Awareness Day gathered 100+ high school students, teachers and other guests. Brain Awareness Day was supported in part by NIDA Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats. Oksana Polesskaya, PhD., Scientific Coordinator, presented overview of Center’s research. Nicholas Grahame, Ph.D., Eva E. Redei, Ph.D., and Erik Jorgensen, Ph.D. delivered lectures on topics related to brain … Read more…
Twenty three Center members and 10 Advisory Board members came to Chicago to hear reports and discuss progress and future directions. Visit meeting page for details.
Hae Kyung Im and her co-authors has published the PrediXcan method in Nature Genetics (August 10th, 2015)