1. C-GORD: The Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats Database is a publicly-accessible portal to the data generated by the NIDA Center for Genetic Studies of Drug Abuse in Outbred Rats, designed to comply with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles.
2. The Center maintains a database containing all phenotypical data collected by the Research Projects and Ancillary collaborators, as well as RNAseq and genotype data. Data requests should be addressed to Dr. Palmer or the Scientific Coordinator.
3. The Internet Rat Server (IRS) is a cloud-hosted portal providing the Center’s investigators with easy, password-protected access to the Center’s HS rats database, including an archive of reports and data tools.
(Note: shinyapp was phased out in early 2024)
4. PalmerLab Github contains releases of genotyping bioinformatics pipelines and other related projects. The content is updated as the lab develops new pipelines.
5. We are working with GeneNetwork 2 team at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to make our data available through this resource. GeneNetwork2 provides access to linked data sets and tools to study complex networks of genes, molecules, and higher-order gene function and phenotypes.
6. Biobanks: We are working with Dr. George to provide genotyping for the HS rats that underwent cocaine or oxicodone exposure protocols. The tissues from these animals were collected and preserved in tissue banks and are available for researchers around the world to use in addiction studies: cocaine biobank, oxycodone biobank, alcohol biobank.
7. Sequencing data for low-coverage sequences of HS rats are deposited to SRA, BioProject PRJNA1022514
Researchers interested in obtaining additional data from this Center should contact Dr. Palmer.
Updated 07/05/2024