RATTACA poster

RATTACA (RAT Trait Ascertainment using Common Alleles) is uses genetic prediction to identify rats that would exhibit extreme phenotypes for addiction-related traits that we have previously studied.

This prediction relies on the large datasets that we have already collected. We can predict behavioral phenotypes including locomotor activity; measures of anxiety-like behavior; delay discounting; Pavlovian Conditioned Approach; self-administration of addictive substances including heroin, cocaine, oxycodone, and nicotine; and measures of analgesia in the presence or absence of opioid drugs. We can also predict physiological measures including body weight, body length, and BMI.


To request RATTACA rats and/or trait predictions, please fill out a request form here.


For more information on our RATTACA research service, click here.

For technical details, check this bioRxiv preprint

Want a digestible summary? Check out this pretty poster.

Are you interested in predicting behavioral phenotypes (and more) in HS rats? Browse our trait list and contact Dr. Palmer for more info!

Available Traits

Browse our trait list here:

Training datasets available for predictions

(98 entries total)
Experiment/ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorDrugBehavioral domainTraitAge, dNh2
Short access and Intermittent access to cocainePaul Meyercocainedrug self-administrationshort access to cocaine, total infusions1004460.23
Short access and Intermittent access to cocainePaul Meyercocainedrug self-administrationintermittent access, total infusions1004460.19
Short access and Intermittent access to cocainePaul Meyercocainedrug self-administrationpost-cocaine anxiety1003780.36
Short access and Intermittent access to cocainePaul Meyeranxietybaseline anxiety803840.21
Short access and Intermittent access to cocainePaul Meyercocainedrug self-administrationincentive sensitization – breakpoint1004460.10
Short access and Intermittent access to cocainePaul Meyercocainedrug self-administrationcompulsive cocaine intake1003730.05
LocomotorHao Chenlocomotortotal distance over 21 min3218570.23
LocomotorHao Chenanxietyduration in the center over 21 min3213980.05
Novelty seekingHao Chensensation seekingtransitions to center zone frequency3318060.12
Novelty seekingHao Chensensation seekingduration in center zone3318060.10
Novelty seekingHao Chensensation seekingdistance traveled in novel environment3319630.15
Novelty seekingShelly Flagelsensation seekingtransitions to novel environment zone7213100.37
Novelty seekingShelly Flagelsensation seekingdistance traveled in novel environment7213100.24
Social reinforcementHao Chensocial reinforcementduration in social zone3417250.16
Social reinforcementHao Chensocial reinforcementlatency to enter social zone3417450.18
Elevated plus mazeHao Chenanxiety, sensation seekingduration in open arm3518120.19
Elevated plus mazeHao Chenanxietyduration in center3518420.17
Socially acquired nicotine self administrationHao Chennicotinedrug self-administrationtotal infusions4219950.22
Socially acquired nicotine self administrationHao Chennicotinedrug self-administrationratio between active and inactive licks4219950.26
Socially acquired nicotine self administrationHao Chennicotinedrug self-administrationprogressive ratio4219200.18
Socially acquired nicotine self administrationHao Chennicotinedrug self-administrationreinstatement4218810.15
Conditioned place preference to cocainePaul Meyercocaineaddictionchange in locomotor activity after cocaine16916740.04
Conditioned place preference to cocainePaul Meyercocaineaddictionpost-test time on conditioned side17016740.04
Conditioned reinforcementPaul Meyerlearninglever presses during conditioned reinforcement16316280.22
Conditioned reinforcementPaul Meyerlearningmagasine responses during conditioned reinforcement16316280.24
Conditioned reinforcementShelly Flagellearninglever presses during conditioned reinforcement6915830.20
Conditioned reinforcementShelly Flagellearningmagasine responses during conditioned reinforcement6915920.20
Pavlovian conditioningPaul Meyerattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA index score19616450.15
Pavlovian conditioningPaul Meyerattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA latency score19616450.12
Pavlovian conditioningPaul Meyerattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA probability difference19616450.14
Pavlovian conditioningPaul Meyerattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA response bias19616450.15
Pavlovian conditioningShelly Flagelattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA index score6415830.15
Pavlovian conditioningShelly Flagelattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA latency score6415910.15
Pavlovian conditioningShelly Flagelattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA probability difference6415830.14
Pavlovian conditioningShelly Flagelattribution of incentive salience to reward cuesPavCA response bias6415830.10
Cocaine contextual conditioningShelly Flagellocomotorlocomotor distance baseline7713760.25
Cocaine contextual conditioningShelly Flagelcocaineaddictionlocomotor distance after cocaine conditioning7713760.26
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroindrug self-administrationLgA long access total heroin intake818620.22
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroindrug self-administrationShA escalation of heroin intake758740.04
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroindrug self-administrationprogressive ratio breakpoints1018620.13
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroindrug self-administrationextinction bursts1068620.12
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasanxiety, sensation seekingEPM duration in open arm baseline688500.17
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroindrug self-administrationEPM duration in open arm after heroin1178500.08
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter KalivaslocomotorOFT distance baseline688580.15
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroindrug self-administrationOFT distance after heroin1178580.26
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivaspain sensitivitytail flick baseline688470.19
Short access and Long access to heroinPeter Kalivasheroinanalgesiatail flick after single inj of heroin1168460.06
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodonedrug self-administrationLgA long access intake last 3 days787000.10
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodonedrug self-administrationShA short access intake last 2 days677110.14
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodonedrug self-administrationaddiction index1015310.09
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgemotivationprogressive ratio baseline655300.06
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodonedrug self-administrationprogressive ratio after ShA757040.18
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodonedrug self-administrationprogressive ratio after LgA1016250.10
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgepain sensitivitytail flick baseline657850.15
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodoneanalgesiatail flick after oxycodone1027420.12
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgepain sensitivityvon Frey baseline658120.13
Short access and Long access to oxycodoneOlivier Georgeoxycodoneanalgesiavon Frey after oxycodone1027910.13
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationLgA long access intake in the last 3 days1027790.01
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationShA short access intake last 2 days687900.08
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationaddiction index1157710.08
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationprogressive ratio after ShA1087870.11
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationprogressive ratio after LgA1157710.03
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationirritability change after cocaine1163720.12
Short access and Long access to cocaineOlivier Georgecocainedrug self-administrationfoot shock1155460.06
Cocaine avoidance and punishment resistanceThomas Johnlocomotornovelty-induced locomotion877100.16
Cocaine avoidance and punishment resistanceThomas Jhoucocaineshock escapepunishment resistance929250.30
Cocaine avoidance and punishment resistanceThomas Jhoucocaineaddictionprogressive ratio928370.08
Delay discountingSuzanne Mitchelldelay discountingK exponential curve fit of the delay discounting curve (time vs. indifference point)956440.24
Locomotor activitySuzanne Mitchelllocomotorlocomotor total distance906290.41
Locomotor activitySuzanne Mitchelllocomotorlocomotor rearing906290.26
Locomotor activityDavid Dietzlocomotorlocomotor total distance6324940.28
Locomotor activityDavid Dietzlocomotorlocomotor rearing6324940.27
Novelty seekingDavid Dietzsensation seekingdistance traveled in a novel environment6825090.27
Light cue reactivityDavid Dietzsensation seekingactive snout-poke responses8923900.28
Light cue reactivityDavid Dietzimpulsivity, habituationinactive snout-poke responses8924060.15
Patch-depletion foraging testDavid DietzforagingAUC of the delay discounting curve (time vs. indifference point)13723750.05
Choice reaction time testDavid Dietzattentionmean reaction time11824530.20
Choice reaction time testDavid Dietzattentionomissions11824540.22
Choice reaction time testDavid Dietzimpulsivityfalse alarms11824530.18
Social taskDavid Dietzsocial reinforcement7022510.12
Forsed swim testLeah Solberg Woodsdepressionaverage motion315150.13
Food and water consumptionDerek Danielsfeedingfood intake1928170.16
feedingwater intake1928050.23
Body and adipose weightLeah Solberg Woodsvariesobesitybody weight73 – 19831730.46
variesobesitybody length73 – 19831730.36
variesobesityretroperitoneal fat weight73 – 19831730.42
variesobesityfasting glucose73 – 19831730.15
MusculoskeletalArimantas Lionikasvariestibia lengthtibia length52 – 27935160.48
MusculoskeletalArimantas Lionikasvariesmuscle masssoleus mass52 – 27935130.41
MusculoskeletalArimantas Lionikasvariesmuscle massextensor digitorum longus mass52 – 27935100.52
MusculoskeletalArimantas Lionikasvariesmuscle masstibialis anterior mass52 – 27935140.47
MusculoskeletalDouglas Adamsvariesbone lengthbone length52 – 27917410.40
MusculoskeletalDouglas Adamsvariesbone compositionbone surface52 – 27917420.34
MusculoskeletalDouglas Adamsvariesbone compositionbone density52 – 27917420.30
MusculoskeletalDouglas Adamsvariesbone compositionbone cortical porosity52 – 27917410.05
MusculoskeletalDouglas Adamsvariesbone compositionbone cortical thickness52 – 27917420.36
Microbiome and metabolomeAmelie Baudvariescecal microbiomemultiplevaries16000 – 0.15
Microbiome and metabolomeAmelie Baudvariescecal metabolomemultiplevaries10000 – 0.15