Photo and Video Gallery – Retreat 2023

NIDA Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats – 9th Annual Retreat – October 27, 2023

Recordings of all presentation talks are listed below by speaker [jump to Talks]

(click here for full agenda)

Celebrating the upcoming 100th Generation of HS Rats!

🎶 “Happy birthday to rats!” (video)

Research posters


Session 1: Overview and Cores A – D

Abraham Palmer

P50DA037844; P50 Center Overview, transition to P30, RATTACA, Breeding Core (on behalf of Leah Solberg Woods)
(also RATTACA Q&A)

[video via Dropbox] – 47 minutes

Oksana Polesskaya

P50DA037844; Pilot Core, REHU summer program, data sharing
(also General discussion/Q&A and 100th generation birthday cake celebration)

[video via Dropbox] – 16 minutes

Photos from Session 1

Session 2: P50 Projects

Pejman Mohammadi

U01 application

[video via Dropbox]

Paul Meyer

P50DA037844; Projects 1 and 3

[video via Dropbox]

Hao Chen

P50DA037844; Project 2

[video vía Dropbox]

Trey Ideker

P50DA037844; Project 4

[video via Dropbox]

Session 3: GWAS U01s

Olivier George

U01DA043799 and U01DA044451

[video via Dropbox]

Peter Kalivas


[video via Dropbox]

Tom Jhou


[video via Dropbox]

Suzanne Mitchell


[video via Dropbox]

Session 4: GWAS U01s/R01s

Giordano de Guglielmo

R01AA029688 and R01AA030048

[video via Dropbox]

Francesca Telese

U01DA050239 and U01DA051972

[video via Dropbox]

Hae Kyung (Haky) Im

R01AA029688 and PTRS

[video via Dropbox]

Melissa Gymrek


[video via Dropbox]

More Retreat photos!

2023 Retreat attendees (pictured)*

*not all attendees are pictured

Back row, from left to right:

  1. Laura Saba (University of Colorado Denver)
  2. Sam Barnes (UC San Diego)
  3. Olivier George (UC San Diego)
  4. Paul Meyer (University at Buffalo)
  5. Brad Balderson (Salk)
  6. Lieselot Carrette (UC San Diego)
  7. Narayan Pokhrel (UC San Diego, Telese Lab)
  8. Peter Kalivas (Medical University of South Carolina)
  9. Hao Chen (University of Tennessee Health Science Center)
  10. Oksana Polesskaya (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  11. Ben Johnson (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  12. Brittany Leger (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  13. Joel Leal (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  14. Michelle Doyle (UC San Diego)
  15. Yizhi Wang (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  16. Courtney Wood (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab) 
  17. Trey Ideker (UC San Diego)
  18. Jonathan Gewirtz (Arizona State University)
  19. Selen Dirik (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab) 
  20. Elaine Keung (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  21. ?
  22. Thiago Sanches (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  23. Riyan Cheng (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)

Middle row, from left to right: 

  1. Jonathan Sebat (UC San Diego)
  2. Giordano de Guglielmo (UC San Diego)
  3. Suzanne Mitchell (Oregon Health & Science University)
  4. Francesa Telese (UC San Diego)
  5. Tamara Phillips-Richards (Oregon Health & Science University)
  6. Abraham Palmer (UC San Diego)
  7. Ran Qiao (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab) 
  8. Adam Shi (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab) 
  9. Angelica Martinez (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab) 
  10. Sarah Wright (UC San Diego, Ideker Lab)
  11. Sakina Muckadam (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)

Front row, from left to right: 

  1. Marsida Kallupi (UC San Diego)
  2. Miranda Francoeur (UC San Diego)
  3. Tom Jhou (Medical University of South Carolina)
  4. Faith Okamoto (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  5. Haky Im (University of Chicago)
  6. Beverly Peng (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
  7. Daniel Munro (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)

Dinner with the HS Rats community

Barbarella – La Jolla, CA