NIDA Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats – 9th Annual Retreat – October 27, 2023
Recordings of all presentation talks are listed below by speaker [jump to Talks]
Celebrating the upcoming 100th Generation of HS Rats!
Research posters
(de Guglielmo Lab)
(de Guglielmo Lab)
(Palmer Lab)
(de Guglielmo Lab)
Session 1: Overview and Cores A – D
Abraham Palmer
P50DA037844; P50 Center Overview, transition to P30, RATTACA, Breeding Core (on behalf of Leah Solberg Woods)
(also RATTACA Q&A)
[video via Dropbox] – 47 minutes
Oksana Polesskaya
P50DA037844; Pilot Core, REHU summer program, data sharing
(also General discussion/Q&A and 100th generation birthday cake celebration)
[video via Dropbox] – 16 minutes
Photos from Session 1
Session 2: P50 Projects
Pejman Mohammadi
U01 application
Paul Meyer
P50DA037844; Projects 1 and 3
Hao Chen
P50DA037844; Project 2
Trey Ideker
P50DA037844; Project 4
Session 3: GWAS U01s
Olivier George
U01DA043799 and U01DA044451
Peter Kalivas
Tom Jhou
Suzanne Mitchell
Session 4: GWAS U01s/R01s
Giordano de Guglielmo
R01AA029688 and R01AA030048
Francesca Telese
U01DA050239 and U01DA051972
Hae Kyung (Haky) Im
R01AA029688 and PTRS
Melissa Gymrek
More Retreat photos!
2023 Retreat attendees (pictured)*
*not all attendees are pictured
Back row, from left to right:
- Laura Saba (University of Colorado Denver)
- Sam Barnes (UC San Diego)
- Olivier George (UC San Diego)
- Paul Meyer (University at Buffalo)
- Brad Balderson (Salk)
- Lieselot Carrette (UC San Diego)
- Narayan Pokhrel (UC San Diego, Telese Lab)
- Peter Kalivas (Medical University of South Carolina)
- Hao Chen (University of Tennessee Health Science Center)
- Oksana Polesskaya (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Ben Johnson (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Brittany Leger (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Joel Leal (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Michelle Doyle (UC San Diego)
- Yizhi Wang (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Courtney Wood (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab)
- Trey Ideker (UC San Diego)
- Jonathan Gewirtz (Arizona State University)
- Selen Dirik (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab)
- Elaine Keung (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- ?
- Thiago Sanches (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Riyan Cheng (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
Middle row, from left to right:
- Jonathan Sebat (UC San Diego)
- Giordano de Guglielmo (UC San Diego)
- Suzanne Mitchell (Oregon Health & Science University)
- Francesa Telese (UC San Diego)
- Tamara Phillips-Richards (Oregon Health & Science University)
- Abraham Palmer (UC San Diego)
- Ran Qiao (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab)
- Adam Shi (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab)
- Angelica Martinez (UC San Diego, de Guglielmo Lab)
- Sarah Wright (UC San Diego, Ideker Lab)
- Sakina Muckadam (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
Front row, from left to right:
- Marsida Kallupi (UC San Diego)
- Miranda Francoeur (UC San Diego)
- Tom Jhou (Medical University of South Carolina)
- Faith Okamoto (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Haky Im (University of Chicago)
- Beverly Peng (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)
- Daniel Munro (UC San Diego, Palmer Lab)