Manuscript accepted for publication in Scientific Reports
The manuscript titled “Environmental enrichment promotes adaptive responding during tests of behavioral regulation in male heterogeneous stock rats” was accepted in Scientific Reports.
The manuscript titled “Environmental enrichment promotes adaptive responding during tests of behavioral regulation in male heterogeneous stock rats” was accepted in Scientific Reports.
The manuscript, “Genome-wide association study on three behaviors tested in an open field in heterogeneous stock rats identifies multiple loci implicated in psychiatric disorders”, was accepted for publication in Frontiers Psychiatry. Mustafa Hakan Gunturkun, Tengfei Wang, Apurva S. Chitre, Angel Garcia Martinez, Katie Holl, Celine St. Pierre, Hannah Bimschleger, Jianjun Gao, Riyan Cheng, Oksana Polesskaya, … Read more…
Daniel Liu (participant in 2017 REHU program) published paper inspired by his work in Palmer lab: Liu D. 2019. Fuzzysplit: demultiplexing and trimming sequenced DNA with a declarative language. PeerJ 7:e7170
Manuscript “Incentive salience attribution, “sensation-seeking” and “novelty-seeking” are independent traits in a large sample of male and female heterogeneous stock rats” by Alesa Hughson, Aidan Horvath, Katie Holl, Abraham Palmer, Leah C. Solberg Woods, Terry Robinson, and Shelly Flagel has been accepted for publication to the Scientific Reports. Congatulations, Alesa and Aidan!
Manuscript “Neurogenetic Determinants and Mechanisms of Addiction to Nicotine and Smoked Tobacco” by B. Sharp H. Chen is accepted for publication to the European Journal of Neuroscience on Sept 18, 2018.