International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting and Call for Symposia


The Program Committee is now soliciting proposals for symposia and satellites for the next Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society to be held at the Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 2-7, 2015. The deadline for priority consideration of symposium proposals is October 17, 2014.


Program highlights include:

Keynote Speaker:  George Koob Ph.D., National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, The Neurobiology of Emotions: Insights from the Neurobiology of Addiction

Keynote Speaker:  Jaak Panksepp Ph.D., MRIA, Washington State University, Preclinical Affective Modeling of Depression: Strategies for Development of Novel Antidepressants

Presidential Lecture:  Stephen Kent, Ph.D., La Trobe University, Should we all eat less? Behavioural, endocrine, and immunological consequences of calorie restriction

Bench-to-Bedside Lecture:  Bill Deakin, M.D., University of Manchester, Finding new treatments for schizophrenia; behaviour, biomarkers and clinical trials.

Special Symposium: Honoring Bob Blanchard,Featuring Caroline Blanchard, Nathan Pentkowski, Jacqueline Crawley, Newton Canteras, David Eilam, Iain McGreg & John Rodgers.

A typical symposium includes four (4) speakers and is scheduled for two (2) hours. The time and date of symposia are set by the Program Committee. IMPORTANT: In addition to standard symposium proposals, we welcome proposals using innovative formats (debate style, hands-on demonstration or workshop), for which 2-hour slots will also be available.

All symposia proposals should include: title, name of the chairperson(s), a substantive but succinct description of the topic and proposed talks, list of speakers with affiliations and email address, and tentative talk titles. IBNS is unable to provide financial support to symposia speakers or organizers. Each organizer and speaker is expected to cover their own fees including registration and abstract submission. Satellites are structured and financed by the organizers.

Satellite meetings may be held either prior to or after the IBNS meeting dates. Satellite proposals should also include the anticipated location and plans for financing. All proposals will be reviewed by the Program Committee and then submitted to the IBNS Council for consideration.

The deadline for priority consideration of symposium proposals is October 17, 2014. To submit your proposal, please email it in a Word document to Program Chair, Mikhail Pletnikov, at [email protected] and copy the IBNS Central Office at [email protected].