Pilot Project Grants Submitted

Seven pilot project grant proposals for research projects connected to the NIDA Center for GWAS in Rats were submitted in response to the initial call for submissions. They span a wide range of research disciplines from fruit fly genetics to bioinformatics, each is intended to enhance the impact of the center. The principal investigator of … Read more…

Rat Genomics and Models – Ensembl workshop

ENSEMBL, a joint scientific project between the European Bioinformatics Institute and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, will be organizing a workshop on rat genomics and models on December 4 and 5, 2014. ENSEMBL have just released the first set of golden genes in rat, i.e. the merge between the Ensembl automatic and the Havana manual … Read more…

Big Data Science Exhibition Grant Awarded to University of Chicago

Dr. Barry Aprison Funding to develop a creative concept for a new big data traveling science exhibition was recently awarded to the University of Chicago. As a result, NIDA Center of Excellence Education & Outreach Director, Dr. Barry Aprison, will use the a supplemental NIH grant to the P50 Center project (PI: Dr. Abraham Palmer), … Read more…

The 2015 International Workshop on Statistical Genetic Methods for Human Complex Traits

A workshop on advanced methods in statistical genetics will be held in Boulder, Colorado, March 2nd to 6th, 2015. This workshop is intended for advanced students of statistical genetics who are interested in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). The local host is Dr. John K. Hewitt, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado. Dr. Benjamin Neale, … Read more…

University of Chicago establishes national center to study genetics of drug abuse in rats

Rats have a long and storied history as an important animal model for research, especially in the study of behavior. The University of Chicago has particularly strong historical ties to this field. John B. Watson, PhD 1903, considered the father of behaviorism — a philosophy that psychology should be based on observation and experiment to … Read more…

Special GENETICS issue on multiparental populations published

The journal GENETICS highlights articles on the study of multiparental populations in its current issue. As the limitations of two-parent cross designs have become obvious, geneticists are struggling with analysis of experimental populations that have more than two segregating alleles. The articles in the MPP collection, along with their data and transparent methods, should stimulate discussion and, … Read more…

Rat Genomics: Abstract Deadline Approaching

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, England Rat Genomics and Models 1-4 December 2014 The abstract deadline of 20 October is now approaching for the 9th Rat Genomics and Models conference. This meeting will focus on the use of the rat (Rattus norvegicus) as a model for studying the aetiology of complex diseases in humans, including … Read more…

Rat Genomics and Models Meeting

Registration is now open and abstracts are currently being accepted for the upcoming 2014 Rat Genomics and Models meeting in Hinxton, UK:   Rat Genomics and Models 1-4 December 2014 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK Abstract and Bursary Deadline: 20 October   |    Registration Deadline: 3 November The 9th Rat Genomics and Models conference will focus on … Read more…

International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting and Call for Symposia

The Program Committee is now soliciting proposals for symposia and satellites for the next Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society to be held at the Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 2-7, 2015. The deadline for priority consideration of symposium proposals is October 17, 2014. Program highlights include: Keynote Speaker:  George … Read more…